
Showing posts from July, 2015

PLANBANK Los Baños Branch (PLB)

Address: Lopez Avenue, Grove, Los Baños, Laguna Phone: (049) 310-0035; (049) 536-4954 (telefax) Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Website:

Wood carving exhibit at UPOU - 15 July 2015

A wood carving exhibit was held last July 15, 2015 at the UP Open University. Here are some photos.

Laguna Water District - Anos, Los Banos

Address: National Highway, Anos, Los Baños, Laguna Phone: (049) 536-0127 536-0027 536 536-0027 536-0027 536-0027 536-0027 536-0027 536-0027 Cashier Business Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00AM - 5:00PM (No noon break) Saturday 7:00AM- 11AM, 12:00PM - 4:00PM Website:

UPLB Academic Calendar 2015-2016

Official University of the Philippines Los Banos Academic Calendar (with official holidays) AY 2015-2016 released. Click on the images to enlarge or download the pdf from the link below. FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER MIDYEAR   2016* Advanced Placement Examination for Qualified New Freshmen (Optional) W, Apnl 15 - F , April 17 Last Day for Transfer Students to File Application for Admission F, May 22 F, October 23 Removal Examination Period M, July 13 - Th, July 16 T, January 05 ­ F. January 08 M , June 06 - T, June 07 Validation for Advanced Credits T, July 21 - F , July 24 MEDICAL EXAMINATION    New Freshmen Th, April 23 - M, May 11 T, January 05 - W, January 06    New Certificate in Forestry Students Th, May 21 ­ F, May 22    New Graduate/New Diploma...