The following is the Schedule of Registration for the first semester AY 2014-2015 at UPLB from its website . Online Registration - January 18, 2015, Sunday – January 23, 2015, Friday (12:00 noon) Finalization of Schedule only - January 18, 2015, Sunday Online Change of Matriculation - January 19, 2015, Monday – January 23, 2015, Friday (12:00 noon)(Cancellation/Change in subject and/or section) Online Confirmation of Slots - January 18, 2015, Sunday – January 23, 2015, Friday (12:00 noon) Assisted Enlistment - January 20, 2015, Tuesday – January 22, 2015, Thursday Payment of Fees - January 20, 2015, Tuesday – February 3, 2015, Tuesday Start of Classes - January 26, 2015, Monday Last Day of Late Registration - February 3, 2015, Tuesday For other important reminders and complete registration procedures please visit the following link. Schedule of Registration for the 2nd semester 2014-2015 | University of the Philippines Los Baños